Monday 14 March 2011

sOoOoOoO bOriNk!!!!!!!!!

~~there's alot of hw heve to do....
so tnsyen~!!!!
mlaz  nye nk buat!!!!!!

where is aiman..?????
i've waiting 4 her 4 a whole day.....
where is she..???
why she doesn't text me???
do she have a problem?????
why she dont't story to me?????
i need u now....
please at beside me.....
accompanied me.....
i really2 miss u.....
i really2 want to hear your cuties voice,....
i really2 want u....,
please come honey....,
i can't continue my life without u....
come to me....

wHeRE iS SHe????

4 the whole night....
i wait 4 her to text me....
but  notting come.....

maybe she had sleep because tired....
i understnd......
notting to say here.......
just want to tell her.....,
i waiting 4 u......,
i miss u....,.
i want with u....,
goOd Nite.....
sweets drems....
you always in my heart..,..,

LuaHan HAti;;''''''''

~~pertama kali ku dngar suaramu......
sayunya atiku merindui drimu....
walaupn blom kite brsua muka..,
nmun aku ttap jtoh cnta...,.,

~~pertama kali ku bertemu dgnmu...,
sndunya atiku melihat snyumanmu...,
aku brhrap enkau mnerimaku...,
krna aku brsedia mncntaimu.....

~~akn ku rnang lautn yg brapi....
mmbktikn khebtannya cnta ini....
ttapi jka engkau mninglkn aku...
trhris ati ini...
trguris jiwa ini....,
mnangis x brlgu.....

~~biarpon ombk yg mrubah pntai...
ksihku xkn ancur brdrai....
biarpn hri...
brgnti hri...
drimu ttp ku nnti...

~~syangku ppmpinkn ngnku...
mnuju mhligai bhgia...
kita brsma nkmati ksah cnta...
idop bgaikn di syurga...


if i've to go before u.....
i hope u'll not cry 4 me....,
i hope u'll find someone that can protect u..,,
i don't want to see u crying...,
find someone better than me....,
i don't want to see u alone..,
i don't want to see u full of sadness..,
but in  deep of my heart....,.
i want make u happy...
i want happy with u...
azam cntekan a!man.....
i promise that i'll never let u go...
i'll never let u alone....
we'll happy untill die invite us....
no one can take my heart more....,.,
just only u..
FaRah AimAN Bt RaSHid...
i need u to continue my life....,,
i need u to live.,.,.
u are my strenght...,.
i hope u'll never dissapointed me....,
i love u....,.