Wednesday 28 September 2011

what kind of me now????

my life had gone...
go far away..
and never be back....
what i must do now tu stay live on this world...?
just u my GOD that i've now...
i prays for your blessing my GOD,
because i failed in my mission again....
to change her...,
to obey to you...
im so sory...
just u...
i just want to change myself...
don't wannt to failed again...
just need u to surf in this world...
ya robbi..,
please forgive me...,
for all sins that i've made...
hopping for your paradise....
bless me ya ROBBi...
i don't have anyone more....
just u...
adakah aku layak untok menyeru hambamu kejalanmu lg...??'
setelah banyak kali gagal,difitnah,dicaci,
aku tahu,nabimu lebih menderit dari aku..,
aku hanya insan biasa,tdak sperti rasulmu.,
aku hampir putus asa untok ini,
aku minta maaf kerana gagal untok menyeru ke jalan mu....